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PERSONAL DATA & COOKIESThis policy details Teezily's privacy policy for its commercial site accessible via the Internet or via a cell phone at (hereinafter the "Site" or the "Site"). Teezily respects your concerns about the confidentiality of personal information processed when you visit our Site. This policy allows you to learn more about the nature and use we make of personal information you provide to us on the Site, the origin and use of navigational information processed in connection with the consultation of our Site and finally, your rights. This policy is therefore important to you, who wish to have a positive and confident experience with our services, and to us, who wish to answer your questions accurately and completely and to take your wishes into account. This policy complements the "General Terms of Use" and the "General Terms of Sale" of the Site and applies to all personal information and browsing data collected and processed when you visit our Site. By using our Site, you agree to the terms of this policy. Teezily may modify this policy at any time and such modifications shall be effective immediately. Therefore, we invite you to refer to this document frequently. The latest version of our privacy policy is permanently available on our Site. For any information, you can contact our Customer Service whose contact details are listed in the section "Rights of access, rectification, deletion and opposition to processing" below.ContentsGeneral informationRights of access, rectification, deletion and opposition to processingManagement of personal data by our companyCookies and connection cookiesSharing functionality on social networksUse of dataTestimonialsGeneral informationThrough its Site, Teezily may collect personal data communicated in particular in the context of creating an account on our site, the realization of Pre-orders or Orders. This automated processing of information, including the management of email addresses of visitors, has been declared to the CNIL (declaration No. 1829191v0). The person responsible for collecting this data is the Simplified Joint Stock Company Teezily, registered in the Paris Trade and Companies Register under No. 797 742 681, whose headquarters is located at 6 rue Léon Cogniet, 75017 Paris (hereinafter "Teezily"). The term "personal data" means any data that can identify an individual, which includes your: name, phone number, date of birth, email address, mailing address and any other information you choose to provide Teezily about you. The personal data that Teezily collects are collected, processed, recorded and stored in accordance with the legal provisions in force in France.Rights of access, rectification, deletion and opposition to processingYou have the right to access, rectify and oppose for legitimate reasons personal information about you, as well as the possibility to oppose the processing for purposes of prospecting, including commercial. You can exercise these rights at any time by contacting the Customer Service Teezily:By mail16 Rue d'Artois75008 ParisFranceBy phone :FR = 01 72 30 10 10US = (646) 741 - 2095UK = 020 3868 8072ES = 911 23 58 97CA = 438 800 - 4798AT = (0) 7 2022 9043AU = 283 107 934CH = 022 518 74 96IT = 02 8295 0976BE = 025 88 41 69DE = 89 380 35 647NL = (020) 808 19 53By email, by writing to : [email protected] accordance with the aforementioned law on data processing and liberties, these requests for access, rectification or opposition must be made by means of a letter (or email) signed by the author from whom they originate and be accompanied by a photocopy of an identity document bearing the signature of the person exercising his or her right.
Management of personal data by our companyMeans of data collectionWhen you register on the Site, we collect personal data through the form proposed during your registration. Teezily can collect your name, first name, postal address and email address, and IP address (or UDID of your cell phone, if any). Only the title, first name, last name, postal address (in case of creation of a customer account for the purchase of a Product) and email are mandatory data collected by Teezily to take into account your registration. At any time, you can check and / or change the personal data in your account by going to your page "my account" in the tab "settings". In general, the information we collect and that are essential to respond to your requests are identified by an asterisk on the collection forms. Finally, when you request to view pages on the Site, Teezily's servers automatically recognize the IP address of your computer (this is the number that identifies each computer connected to the Internet. The IP address takes the following form: XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX or the UDID of your phone (this is a number that identifies the phone model that is connected to the Internet. The UDID consists of forty characters)").PurposesThe personal data that we collect from you during any visit Pre-order or Order are necessary for the use of services offered on the Site and / or management of your Order or Pre-order by Teezily and its providers, including the detection of fraud on the Internet and payment methods, the prevention and management of payment incidents (including unpaid) and the preservation of the rights of Teezily in the context of its commercial activity. We may also collect statistical information to know the use that visitors make of the Site (frequency of consultation of the various pages of the Site, sales statistics and origin of visitors to the Site, etc.). The information relating to the profile of visitors are kept by Teezily and will be used internally to conduct market research.Conservation of dataThe data are kept for a period that does not exceed the time necessary for the purposes for which they were collected.Recipients of dataTeezily has a policy not to transfer to third parties data concerning its customers for commercial purposes. Only our company and external companies contractually linked to us for the processing of your order and especially the detection of fraud in the means of payment have access to the information you provide.The categories of people who will have access to your personal data within Teezily are, within the limits of their respective responsibilities, the sales department, administrative services, technical service and services responsible for control (auditor, services responsible for internal control procedures, etc.). Your personal data may also be sent to public bodies, exclusively to meet legal obligations, judicial officers, officers of the court and bodies responsible for collecting debts.Teezily does not sell your personal information to third parties.
Fight against fraudTo fight against fraud, Teezily has implemented a device implementing exclusion lists, which may lead us to :Ask you, in order to secure the transaction, certain supporting documents once the payment is made, in case of automatic alert triggered by the information on your order.Block your order if your customer account has already been used to commit fraud.The security of your personal information is important to us. When you enter sensitive information (such as a credit card number) on our order forms, we encrypt the transmission of that information using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology.Data Security and PrivacyTeezily has taken every precaution to ensure the confidentiality and security of personal data processed and prevent them from being distorted, damaged, destroyed or accessed by unauthorized parties. Technical and organizational security measures in accordance with the state of the art, particularly with regard to information systems, have been implemented. However, the company does not control all the risks linked to the functioning of the Internet and draws the attention of visitors to the existence of possible risks inherent to its use and functioning.Cookies and Connection CookiesWhat is a "Cookie"?A "Cookie" refers to a text file that may be saved in a dedicated space on the hard disk of your Terminal (i.e. computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.) thanks to the browser software that you use to consult our Site and subject to your choices. This Cookie file allows its issuer to identify the Terminal in which it is saved, for the duration of the validity or saving of the Cookie. When you visit our Site, information about your browsing on our Site may be recorded in "Cookies" files installed on your terminal. When you visit our Site for the first time and Teezily plans to place a Cookie on your terminal, we inform you of our use of Cookies with an information banner at the top of the page. By continuing to browse the Site when this banner is displayed, you consent to our use of Cookies on your Terminal. However, you can change your Cookie settings at any time (see "4.5 Your choices regarding Cookies"). Below you will find more information about Cookies and how you can manage your Cookie settings.The Cookies we issue on our siteWhen you connect to our Site, we may install various Cookies in your Terminal, subject to your choices, allowing us to recognize the browser of your Terminal during the period of validity of the Cookie concerned:to establish statistics and volumes of frequentation and use of the various elements composing our Site (headings and contents visited, path), allowing us to improve the interest and the ergonomics of our services;to adapt the presentation of our Site to the display preferences of your terminal (language used, display resolution, operating system used, etc.) during your visits to our Site, according to the hardware and software for displaying or reading that your terminal has;to memorize information relating to a form that you have filled out on our Site (registration or access to your account) or to products, services or information that you have chosen on our Site (subscribed service, contents of an order basket, etc.);to allow you to access reserved and personalized areas of our Site, such as your account, thanks to identifiers or data that you may have previously entrusted to us;to implement security measures, for example when you are asked to log in again to a content or service after a certain period of time.Cookies issued on our site by third partiesThe issuance and use of Cookies by third parties is subject to the privacy policies of those third parties. We inform you of the purpose of the Cookies we are aware of and the means by which you can make choices regarding these Cookies.
Cookies from third party applications on our SiteWe may include on our Site computer applications from third parties that allow you to share content from our Site with other people or to let these other people know your consultation or your opinion regarding content on our Site. This is particularly the case for "Share" and "Like" buttons from social networks (such as "Facebook", "Twitter", "Pinterest", etc.) The social network providing such an application button is likely to identify you thanks to this button, even if you did not use this button when visiting our Site. Indeed, this type of application button may allow the social network concerned to track your browsing on our Site, simply because your account with the social network concerned was activated on your Terminal (open session) during your browsing on our Site.We have no control over the process used by social networks to collect information relating to your browsing on our Site and associated with the personal data they have. We invite you to consult the privacy protection policies of these social networks in order to learn about the purposes of use, including advertising, of the browsing information they may collect through these application buttons. These protection policies should allow you to exercise your choices with these social networks, including by setting up your accounts for each of these networks.Cookies for targeted advertising issued on by third partiesThe website may contain Cookies issued by third parties (communication agency, audience measurement company, targeted advertising provider, etc.) and allowing the latter, during the period of validity of these Cookies :to collect navigation information relating to the Terminals consulting our Site,to determine the advertising content for the promotion of products and/or services offered on the site exclusively and likely to correspond to the centers of interest deduced from the previous navigation of the Terminal concernedWhat is the interest to see advertisements adapted to your navigation?The objective is to present you with the most relevant advertisements possible. To this end, cookie technology makes it possible to determine in real time which advertisement to display on a Terminal, according to its recent browsing on one or more sites or applications. Your interest in the advertising content displayed on your Terminal when you consult a Site often determines the advertising resources of the latter, enabling it to operate its services, which are often provided to users free of charge. You may prefer to see ads that are relevant to your interests rather than ads that are not relevant to you.Your choices regarding cookiesYou have several options for managing cookies. Any settings you make may affect your ability to browse the Internet and access certain services that require the use of cookies. You can choose at any time to express and modify your wishes regarding cookies by the means described below.The Cookie Management Tool available on www.teezily.comThe Cookie Acceptance Tool allows you to understand and control what types of Cookies our Site uses when you visit it and to set your preferences in this regard (opt-out or opt-in).Choices available to you through your browserYou can also configure your browser software so that Cookies are saved in your Terminal or, on the contrary, that they are rejected, either systematically or according to their sender. You can also configure your browser so that you are offered the option of accepting or rejecting Cookies from time to time, before a Cookie is likely to be recorded in your Terminal. For more information, see "(c) How to exercise your choices, depending on the browser you are using?"
The agreement on CookiesThe recording of a Cookie in a Terminal is essentially subordinated to the will of the user of the Terminal, which the latter can express and modify at any time and free of charge through the choices offered to him by his navigation software. If you have accepted in your navigation software the recording of Cookies in your Terminal, the Cookies integrated into the pages and contents that you have consulted may be stored temporarily in a dedicated space of your Terminal. They will be readable only by their issuer.Refusal of CookiesIf you refuse the recording of Cookies in your Terminal, or if you delete those which are recorded there, you will no longer be able to benefit from a certain number of functionalities which are nevertheless necessary to navigate in certain spaces of our Site. This would be the case if you tried to access our content or services that require you to be identified. Such would also be the case when we - or our providers - could not recognize, for purposes of technical compatibility, the type of browser used by your terminal, its language and display settings or the country from which your terminal seems connected to the Internet. Where appropriate, we disclaim any responsibility for the consequences related to the degraded operation of our services resulting from the inability of Teezily to record or view the cookies necessary for their operation and that you have refused or deleted.How to exercise your choices, depending on the browser you use?For the management of cookies and your choices, the configuration of each browser is different. It is described in the help menu of your browser, which will allow you to know how to modify your wishes regarding Cookies.For Internet Explorer™: Safari™: Chrome™: Firefox™: Opera™: "Flash©" Cookies of "Adobe Flash Player™""Adobe Flash Player™" is a computer application that allows the rapid development of dynamic content using the "Flash" computer language. Flash (and similar applications) remembers the settings, preferences and use of these contents through a technology similar to Cookies. However, "Adobe Flash Player™" manages this information and your choices via a different interface than that provided by your browser.To the extent that your Terminal may be viewing content developed with the Flash language, we invite you to access your Flash Cookie management tools, directly from choices expressed online to inter-professional platformsWith regard to advertising cookies from, you can also connect to the "Youronlinechoices" site, proposed by digital advertising professionals grouped together within the European Digital Advertising Alliance (EDAA) and managed in France by the Interactive Advertising Bureau France. You will thus be able to find out which companies are registered with this platform and which offer you the possibility of refusing or accepting the cookies used by these companies to adapt the advertisements that are likely to be displayed on your terminal to your browsing information: http://www. This European platform is shared by hundreds of Internet advertising professionals and constitutes a centralized interface allowing you to express your refusal or acceptance of the Cookies that may be used to adapt the advertisements likely to be displayed on your Terminal to your navigation. Note that this procedure will not prevent the display of advertisements on the websites you visit. It will only block technologies that allow ads to be tailored to your interests.If you share the use of your Terminal with other peopleIf your Terminal is used by several people and when the same Terminal has several browsers, we cannot be sure that the services and advertisements intended for your Terminal correspond to your own use of this Terminal and not to that of another user of this Terminal. In this case, the sharing with other people of the use of your Terminal and the configuration of the parameters of your navigator with regard to the Cookies, are of your free choice and your responsibilityPersonal data and navigation informationWe are likely to adapt the offers and advertisements which are intended for you to information relating to the navigation of your Terminal on Insofar as you have provided us with personal data concerning you, in particular your electronic contact details, when you register or access one of our services, we are likely, subject to your choices, to associate browsing information relating to your Terminal, processed by the Cookies that we issue, with your personal data in order to display on your Terminal, within advertising spaces containing Cookies that we (or third parties) issue, personalised advertisements that are specifically intended for you, likely to be of personal interest to you. You can ask us at any time not to receive advertisements or prospecting adapted to the information of navigation of your Terminal, by contacting us directly and free of charge. For more information on cookies and their use, the visitor can consult the file of the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés at the following address: of sharing on social networksYou have the possibility to share on social networks certain information or content, including campaigns on This publication is accompanied by mentions written by Teezily but which can be customized by the Campaign Creators. By clicking on the "Like" button, "Share on Facebook", or any other sharing button of a social network ("bird" of Twitter, "F" of Facebook ...), the content is exported from Teezily's servers and sent (Uploaded) to the website of the social network concerned. This use is then governed by the terms of use of the social network that we invite you to consult. The content exported from our Site to social networks are under your full responsibility. Teezily will not be responsible for any use, exploitation or action once the content is exported from its site.
Use of DataTeezily will not transfer or sell personal data to unaffiliated, non-partnered third parties unless Teezily has previously informed you in communications, agreements or through information available on the Site, or you have expressly given your consent, or as required by law. If Teezily is required by law or by a judge to disclose your personal data, Teezily will, to the extent possible, notify you (unless Teezily reasonably believes that it is not permitted to do so due to legal or judicial obligations). Given the state of technology, especially those generally applied to telecommunications networks, Teezily can not guarantee the confidentiality, integrity or authentication of emails that you send to, or receive from Teezily.TestimonialsWe post personal testimonials from satisfied customers of our service in addition to other comments. With your consent, we may post your testimonial with your first name, last name and city of residence. If you wish to update or delete your testimonial, you may contact us. April 4, 2016 version.